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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Are you there? (comment time!)

If you read my blog, (even just occasionally) and don't comment, now is the time! You can ask me any questions... (well don't ask like where I live or anything too personal:D) or just say whatever. The most comments I've gotten were like 7, so let's see if we can beat that. are ya with me?


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Share-a-song Sunday's

Since I haven't done share-a-song sunday's in a while...

I think the violin in this is gorgeous!

Have a pleasant sunday!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

my summer is almost gone..

I'll be starting school in about 9 days. Scary, eh? well at the begining of the summer, I did a post about what I wanted to do this summer. ( to see complete post, click HERE) Since it's back-to-school time, I wanted to go back to the list and see how much of it I did.

Get a tan-
Well i got as tan as abby can get. (which isn't that tan but I DID get a little color)
Be with my dad-
yep. Very thankful we got to spend most of the summer w/ him
Go swimming. Our apartment we'll be staying in has a swimming pool. we haven't been a member of a pool in forever, so it'll be fun! - yes, we went swimming a lot this summer.
Make some strawberry lemonade- nope.:(
Pick some more strawberries - we picked one batch.
possibly go water skiing. Never been before, but I'd love to if we get the chance! - YES! I can't believe I got to do that!
Go shopping- hit the outlet stores! Including banana republic, jcrew, brook's brothers, and gap
Go to the cheesecake factory. My math teacher has always told me it was so good and that I should go. So, Ms. Goodson, I'll try to go to the cheesecake factory for you!:0) -
nope. Not yet. When I do go, I will try to get tha banana cream cheese cake Amanda was telling me about!:)
Eat an orange cream sicle- nope.:(
Eat some shrimp - yup!
buy some ice cream from the ice cream man- no but I want to on my last week of freedom.
bicycle- not too much of that...
visit mueseums- we visited all the museums we could possibly see. Not exactly, but I am a little tired of museums if that means anything.
go to the beach. I don't know if we will be going this year, but it would defintely be nice!- Unfortunately, NOT. I sooo miss the beach!
Relax- yup
read some good books- Yes, did a lot of reading. Read magician's nephew, anne of green gables, (ABSOLUTELY LOVE the books and the movies! soul surfer, and a lot more that I can't remember...
make some yummy meals- I didn't make any yummy meals, but mommy did!;)
Go to grandmother's cabin-
Didn't get to...
wear flipflops- O yea. Been living in flip flops!
Buy some cute summer outfits- yes,some.

Plus, I saw my first pro baseball game, and got a new computer! Well, I had a great summer! Hopefully, you did too! This last week, I'm going back-to-school shopping, and enjoying freedom before going back to the dreaded "s" word. :)


Ps. What do you think about my new blog makeover? Truthfully here people. I'm still not sure if I like it.

we got an iMAC! It is super cool and easy. Also, I'm having fun on photo booth taking pictures. I already like it so much more than window's. And my mom got a free iTouch! Having a technology craze over here...